Cardboard Recycling |
Corrugated Boxes Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Facts:
- 28.8 million tons or 13.8% by weight.
- 217 pounds per person per year.
- 18.5 million tons for a 64.2% recycling rate.
- 21.6 million tons for a 73% recovery rate in 1996 (industry data) By tonnage, corrugated boxes is the most recycled product in MSW.
Recycled Content:
- 37% for corrugated boxes produced in the U.S.
Incinerated or Landfilled:
- 10.3 million tons or 6.8% discarded MSW by weight.
Landfill Volume:
- 31,280,000 cubic yards or 7.2% of landfilled MSW (1992 EPA estimate)
- Landfilled corrugated boxes weigh 750 pounds per cubic yard.
- Unbaled corrugated boxes has a density of 350 pounds per cubic yard.
- Baled corrugated boxes has a density of 1,000-1,200 pounds per cubic yard.
Source Reduction:
- Lightweighting linerboard has resulted in a 10-15% weight reduction in the last decade.
Corrugated Recycling of cardboard cuts the emissions of sulfur dioxide in half. Recycling of cardboard saves about 1/4 of the energy use to manufacture it. (Source: National Polymers Inc.)
Corrugated goods
Once the old corrugated box used to bring us our toasters, microwave ovens and personal computers is emptied, it frequently lives again by being recycled into new corrugated boxes or other recycled paper products. Heavily on high-grade scrap paper generated in manufacturing and converting operations to make these products. Increased separation of high-grade office scrap paper count enable this type of scrap paper to be used for this purpose in the future.
Combination boxboard
Cereal and soap boxes, shoe boxes, tissue boxes, beer and soft drink carriers - these are all familiar consumer products with a heavy recycled fiber content, usually as high as 90 to 100 percent. That familiar inner liner of gray-colored board is putting old newspapers, along with other scrap paper, to work for us again. (Source: Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries)